Messianic Faith: Summary of Post
- David
- November 9, 2021
- Blog, Introduction
- Introduction, Messianic Faith
Messianic Faith
Messianic Faith is/will be an assembly worshiping the Father (YHWH) and Messiah Yeshuatekani. “LORD” is not the name of the Father. It is the Tetragrammaton name “YHWH”. “God” is a pagan title sourced in Indo Germanic culture from “Ghodh” which means “union” even “Sexual Union”. Correct translation should be “Elohim” which means “Strong One(s)”. “Christ” is sourced in paganism most likely the Hindo Deity “Krishna”. Christ should be replaced by Messiah. It’s meaning is “Anointed”. “Holy” is from the pagan source “Heil” and should be translated as “Set-Apart” or “separate”. The Messiah is a female. Here are some proof analyses. (Genesis 1:26-27) ”And Elohim said, let us make man in our image after our likeness .So Elohim created man in their own image, in the image of Elohim: he created them: male and female. The Bible tells us that when a man marries a woman, they become One. Yeshuatekani claimed she was ‘One” with the Father. The Father is the male and the Messiah is the female.
There are two end time prophecies “The Rose Prophecy (Isaiah 35)” and “The Lily Prophecy (Hosea 14) ” Both flowers rejuvenate the desert and are symbols of the Messiah. The Song of Songs is a song of two lovers-the male is Father YHWH and Yeshuatekani Messiah is the female. In the Song the Messiah claims both flower prophecies by stating her name “I am the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley”. The Song continues with the Lily being among thorns pointing to the Messiah being crowned by thorns at the impalement. She is called “perfect” and “without blemish”. She is twice shown to be on the right side of the Father. She is linked to David and She has a flock of perfect sheep that bear twins and none is lost symbolizing Her as a Shepherdess, There are verses for the Resurrection, Ascension, Second Coming and Judgment. The watchmen struck and bruised Her and lifted Her veil like at the day of Her impalement on a Stake. The Father also ignores Her advances pointing to Her cry “My El, My El why have you forsaken me.” Doves symbolizing the Set-Apart Spirit are used six times. The Two flower prophecies and Solomon’s Song are enough to establish the Messiah as a female.
The Messiah said that Her wisdom was greater than Solomons. In Proverbs wisdom is personified by a woman who tells us She is our sister. Rachel was a shepherdess whose name prophesizes the Messiah. Her name Rachel means “To journey as an ewe (female lamb} that is a good traveler. Psalm 22 is a prophecy of the impalement. It is titled “The Doe of the Morning or Hind of the Morning”. Both the Doe and Hind are female deer. In the psalm She says “I am a worm and no man”. The word “paps” is used three times in the Messianic Scriptures each representing female breasts. In Revelation the Messiah’s breasts are being girdled with a golden band.
The sin offering was a female lamb. Yeshuatekani is the female lamb forgiving sin. The Messiah’s mother Miryam was impregnated by the Set-apart Spirit. No semen was present so she could not get the “Y” chromosome needed to have a male child. The only chromosomes she had were two “X”s so she was only able to have a daughter. Judas Iscariot received 30 shekels for turning in the Messiah. The 30 shekels was based on an agreement with the high priest to pay him based on a vow which paid 30 Shekels for a female 20 to 60 years. A male received 50 Shekels. One of the taught ones leaned on Yeshuatekani’s chest in front of the taught one’s. This same taught one was one that Yeshuatekani loved. The Messiah was called “Rabboni” twice-Is Rabboni indicative of a female Rabbi? There also instances where wearing a veil could be inferred.
The Appointed Sabbaths – Weekly Sabbath, New Moon, Passover, The Feast of Unleavened Bread. Feast of First Fruits, Feast of Weeks, The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, The Feast of Booths, Eighth Day. In addition two Feasts Hannukah and Purim are celebrated.
The Man of Lawlessness: Is a man who breaks the Ten Commandments on a continual basis and defies the lessons taught by Yeshuatekani. The pope is responsible for combining the 1st and 2nd Commandment hiding the “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I YHWH thy Elohim am a jealous Elohim, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments”. This has allowed people to build statues and pray to them. The pope celebrates the Sabbath Day on the 1st day of the week, This is a major violation of the 4th commandment and is also the Mark of the Beast. Yeshuatekani said “No one is to be called Father because your only Father is in heaven. Pope is derived from Papa which means Father. All priests reporting to the pope call themselves “Father” in total defiance to Yeshuatekani’s command. The Vatican has elevated Miryam to heaven calling here The Queen of Heaven. Our Father sent apparitions of Miryam because he was fed up with the idolatry she was getting. Millions converted and some of the largest shrines to Miryam were created. The pope allows and encourages prayer to Miryam including “the Rosary” which includes babbling of repetitious prayer. Yeshuatekani taught us to pray to the Father but the pope allows his followers to pray to Miryam and the Saints.
The Sabbath is a sign between us and YHWH, it is blessed and set-apart. The Mark/Sign of the Beast is the Sunday Sabbath. The Image of the Beast is Miryam and/or Jesus. The Name of the Beast is Sunday Christianity. The Number of the Beast is 666 the pope. The Second Coming is sometime before May 15, 2028.
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Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award. Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award and providing the team creativity innovation management.
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- Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders.
- Due to BIM’s fast invasion in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated.
- Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award.
Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award. Council are celebrating the incredible achievement of the Companies and Stakeholders. Due to BIM’s fast invasion in the North America Region, we are one of the top 10 nominated Consultants for Council Architectural/Design Practice of the Year Award.
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