Timing of the Second Coming

The Scroll of Revelation begins with Yeshuatekani giving revelations to the Taught One Yohannon to be shared with Yeshuatekani’s servants. We are told that these prophecies are “to take place with speed”. The second last paragraph of Revelation confirms once again “that yes I am coming speedily.”

In 2 Kepha (Kepha was Peter’s Name) we are told that mockers will come in the last days as disbelievers walking in their own lusts or sins and saying, “Where is the promise of Yeshuatekani’s coming?” Kepha summarizes that the heavens and the earth are being kept for fire, a day of judgment for the destruction of sinners and the wicked

It’s 2023, almost over 2000 years since Yeshuatekani walked the earth and ascended into heaven. Where’s the speed in that amount of time? No wonder there are scoffers and disbelievers but one of YHWH’s definition of time is “One day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.”

We are also told in Scripture that we cannot pick the hour or the day of the Second Coming. Only Father YHWH knows. However we can pick the generation that will see the end times. We are in that generation right now; every one of us is part of this living prophecy.

Yeshuatekani was impaled upon a stake, put in a tomb and rose again on the third day. In terms of 1000 years we are as of the year 2024 the beginning of the third day 2030 or so. One might think it makes sense then that Yeshuatekani The Messiah will return to earth on the 3rd day of a thousand years. However there is a hidden prophecy that gives us the exact generation that will see the Second Coming. 

In Jeremiah the prophet was shown two baskets of figs. One basket had perfectly edible figs and the other had spoilt inedible figs. YHWH(The Father) then told Jeremiah that the basket of good figs represented people that He was going to make his own saying “they shall be My people and I shall be their Elohim(God), for they will turn back to Me with all their heart.”(The Scriptures)

The baskets of spoilt figs were for those who were evil that YHWH was going to punish. He goes onto say “And I shall make them a horror to all the reigns of the earth”.

I have heavily summarized Jeremiah 24 but all I wanted to illustrate was that good figs equal YHWH’s servants and spoilt figs represent his enemies. In today’s terms the Fig Tree symbolizes Israel. 

In the Messianic Scriptures in Matthew 21 Yeshuatekani is travelling back from Bethany to Jerusalem and comes upon a fig tree with leaves but without any fruit representing the current state of Jerusalem and Israel who were opposed to Yeshuatekani. Yeshuatekani said to the Fig Tree “Let no fruit grow on thee hence forward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.” This action prophesized that Israel would turn against Yeshuatekani and then be destroyed. 

Within 40 years or so the withering fig tree of Jerusalem and Israel was destroyed and Jewish people were scattered into the gentile nations.   

Later on in Matthew Chapter 24 Yeshuatekani extensively shares many elements of the end times with the Taught One’s. Then Yeshuatekani gives us a parable telling us when these end times would occur. Yeshuatekani says, “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When it’s branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”(KJV).

When did the Fig Tree (Israel) tender new leaves. Wikipedia gives us the answer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel

The end of the British Mandate for Palestine was set for midnight on 14 May 1948. That day, David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared “the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel.

So, those in the generation that will see the end time fulfilled is the generation that began in 1948. How long is a generation? Well if we base it on the average life expectancy of people which in Israel is 82 we can project 2030, very close to the beginning of the third (1000) day.

However it is always best to use Scripture when we can to come up with a much more accurate time frame, which strongly suggests the end days, are nearer. I believe that “A prayer by Mosheh (Moses)” gives us the evidence to define what a generation is.

Psalm 90:10 (KJV)

The days of our years are threescore years and ten(70 years); and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years(80 years), yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. 

Mosheh died when he was 120 years old, so the generation in his prayer applies to the end times. Most scholars believe that this Psalm was the only one authored by Mosheh. Mosheh delivered YHWH’s people to the Promised Land and Yeshuatekani will lead YHWH’s servants to the Sovereigdom on earth with Jerusalem at its center.

The wrath of YHWH as described in the Scroll of Revelation shows tremendous suffering coming to earth. Yeshuatekani said that “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”

So the verse “The days of our years are threescore years and ten (70 years); and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years (80 years), yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” Tells us that a generation starts at 70 but is extended to 80 years if we have the strength to make it through the tribulation. Thus a generation is 70 to 80 years with the period between 70 and 80 encompassing the last days and the Second Coming.

Thus 1948  + 70  = 2018

and  1948  + 80  = 2028.

Since this timeframe is a function of Scripture one may believe very strongly that we will endure the end days in that period of time. 05/14/2018 to 05/14/2028. Thus Yeshuatekani WILL be on earth in our lifetime and judgment of you and I will begin.


We should note that Mosheh and Yeshuatekani are the two redeemers of Israel, thus the prayer of Mosheh is important and addresses the end times.

We should be happy and joyful that The Second Coming is just around the corner. However, Satan has deceived us so we have little time to get our act together and become true believers and worship YHWH in the appropriate way. Satan also knows his time is short so we can expect the world to begin collapsing and heading towards destruction and that he will do everything he can to make us become believers in “The Man of Lawlessness – The Head of the Papacy – The Pope”.

It is fair to say that we are in the end times period described as the tribulation which is outlined in the Scroll of Revelations. I do not think it is merely coincidence that President Donald Trump’s Name relates to the Seven Trumpets of Elohim’s wrath as described in the Scroll of  Revelation. Donald Trump probably set the Trumpets in motion in his first term as president and we are firmly in the grips of the tribulation the period of the end times. In his second term he will be partly responsible for the Seventh Trumpet – the coming of Yeshuatekani,

The TV News is a constant reminder that disasters, wars, plagues (Covid-19) are breaking out everywhere at an accelerating pace. The Scriptures describe the events we are witnessing as being the beginning of birth pains with catastrophic events occurring faster and faster and with increasing intensity. We who follow the news are all a witness to these escalating events from COVID-19, to Forest Fires, to Hurricanes and Tornados of increasing intensity and to violence which runs ramparts in our streets. It is easy to see that we are in the end times.

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