Hanukkah & Purin

There are two Feasts not found in the appointed Feasts of Leviticus 23; They are the Feast Of Dedication aka Hanukkah and the Feast of Lots aka Purim. The Feast of Dedication commemorates the purification of the temple which occurred in 165 BC as the Maccabees  victory over the Greeks. The Greek King Antiochus Epiphanes had previously defiled the Palace (Temple) by sacrificing a pig on the alter and covering the Scripture Scrolls with pigs blood.

Hanukkah aka Feast of Lights because of a legendary miraculous provision of oil for the eternal light in the palace. After cleansing the palace the supply of oil to relight the eternal flame (the symbol of Elohim’s presence) was enough for one day. Elohim performed a great miracle and the flame burned for the eight days necessary to purify oil.

Hanukkah also called the Festival of Lights is primary family celebration that centers around lighting nine candles. One candle is lit each on the candle stick holder called a menorah, Each night a new candle is placed on the menorah until all nine candles are lit.

The Feast of Lots aka Purim is a celebration of Elohim’s faithfulness, deliverance, and protection. Although the Jews were sentenced to death by King Xerxes’ original decree, through Queen Esther’s courageous intervention and willingness to face death, the people’s lives were spared. Similarly, all of us who have sinned have been issued a decree of death, but through the intervention of Yeshuatekani Messiah, the Messiah, the old decree has been satisfied and a new proclamation of eternal life has been established

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of Elohim is eternal life through Messiah Yeshuatekani our Master (NLT).

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