The Father’s Name
God is not the Father’s Name. Let’s look at a summary of C.J. Kosters “Come Out of Her, My People” Pages 53-57. Gad is a Syrian or Canaanite deity of good luck or fortune. In Hebrew, it is written GD, but with Massoretic vowel-pointing, it gives us “Gad.” Other Scriptural references to a similar deity, also written GD, have a …
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The Messiah’s Name Above All Names
The name used in the vast majority of translations and on the tip of almost all Christians tongues is Jesus Christ. The name Jesus is sourced in paganism. The Greek documents underlying most of the English Translations have “Iesous” as the name of the Messiah. “Iesous” in turn was derived from “Iaso” the Greek goddess of healing. Thus, the name …
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The last twenty-three years I have been living my life with a bipolar diagnosis. I have had some severe manic episodes and even more debilitating depressions. During my illness I started studying the Scriptures and over time I made notes of things I found. This short book relays some of those discoveries. It is not a finished product but I …
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Messianic Faith: Summary of Post
Messianic Faith Messianic Faith is/will be an assembly worshiping the Father (YHWH) and Messiah Yeshuatekani. “LORD” is not the name of the Father. It is the Tetragrammaton name “YHWH”. “God” is a pagan title sourced in Indo Germanic culture from “Ghodh” which means “union” even “Sexual Union”. Correct translation should be “Elohim” which means “Strong One(s)”. “Christ” is sourced in …
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Timing of the Second Coming
The Scroll of Revelation begins with Yeshuatekani giving revelations to the Taught One Yohannon to be shared with Yeshuatekani’s servants. We are told that these prophecies are “to take place with speed”. The second last paragraph of Revelation confirms once again “that yes I am coming speedily.” In 2 Kepha (Kepha was Peter’s Name) we are told that mockers will …
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